My first time with 2 trans girls with big cocks

I nervously clicked on the ad, my heart racing with curiosity and excitement. ‘Curious girl seeking new experiences,’ it read. I had always been intrigued by the world of transgender individuals but had never had the courage to explore it. But tonight, I was feeling bold.

I sent a message to the email provided, my fingers trembling as I typed out my desires. To my surprise, I received a response almost immediately. ‘Emma, we would love to show you the ropes. Come over to our place tonight and we’ll make all your fantasies come true.’

My heart was pounding as I made my way to their apartment. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do. As I approached the door, I took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened and I was greeted by two stunning trans women, both with long hair and seductive smiles.

‘Welcome, Emma,’ one of them said, her voice soft and feminine. ‘I’m Isabella and this is my girlfriend, Sophia.’

I blushed as they led me inside, my eyes taking in every inch of their beautiful bodies. They sat me down on the couch and poured me a glass of wine, making small talk as we got to know each other. But I could feel the sexual tension building, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before we gave in to our desires.

Isabella leaned in and kissed me, her lips soft and inviting. I eagerly kissed her back, my hands roaming over her curves. Sophia joined in, her hands sliding down my body and pulling me closer to them. I could feel their hard cocks pressing against me, and I moaned with excitement.

They led me to the bedroom, where soft music was playing and candles were lit. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was about to have a threesome with two gorgeous trans women.

Isabella and Sophia undressed me slowly, their hands caressing my skin and sending shivers down my spine. I was completely at their mercy, and I loved it. They kissed and touched me all over, their soft breasts pressing against me and their cocks growing harder with every touch.

I couldn’t resist any longer. I got down on my knees and took turns sucking each of their cocks, feeling powerful and sexy as I pleasured them. They moaned and ran their hands through my hair, urging me on. I never wanted it to end.

But soon, they had me lying on the bed, my legs spread wide as they took turns fucking me. Isabella’s cock was long and thick, filling me up and hitting all the right spots. Sophia’s was smaller but just as pleasurable, and I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt to have two cocks inside me at once.

They fucked me hard and fast, their moans and grunts filling the room. I was in pure ecstasy, my body trembling with pleasure as I reached orgasm after orgasm. They didn’t stop until we were all exhausted and covered in sweat.

As we lay there in each other’s arms, I couldn’t believe what I had just experienced. Isabella and Sophia had shown me a side of myself I never knew existed, and I was grateful for their guidance and expertise. I knew this wouldn’t be the last time I explored my curiosities with them.